PowerPhone is committed to helping our customers provide the best quality of care to their callers and responders. PowerPhone stays abreast of all public safety communications industry organizations and industry leaders that play a role. We ensure that the leveraging and enhancement of industry standards, guidelines, and best practices are successful.
As a key supporter of telecommunicators since 1983, PowerPhone has assisted more than 700 agencies with meeting their local, regional, and nationally recognized requirements such as National Fire Protection Association, Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, International Association of Police Chiefs, International Association of Fire Chiefs, Commission on the Accreditation of Ambulance Services, National Emergency Number Association, Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials, and more.
Examples of industry standards that PowerPhone helps you meet are:
- NENA ‘Standard for 911 Call Processing’
- NENA ‘Standard for 911 Professional Education’
- NENA ‘Standard Recommended Minimum Training Guidelines for the Telecommunicator’
- NENA ‘Telecommunicator Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (T-CPR) Standard’
- AHA guidelines as they pertain to assisting callers through performing high quality TCPR
- NFPA 1225, ‘Standard for Emergency Services Communications,’ which is comprised of Standards 1061 and 1221
- The upcoming 988-911 Standard
PowerPhone regularly participates in these organization workgroups and committees. We reference their standards and related research when creating new content within our software, or when reviewing and updating existing content. The same information is applied when creating and updating our training curriculum.
With collaboration, and customization of your protocols, PowerPhone is committed to ensuring your agency has the resources you need to serve and protect the public effectively.